Pike County Hyper-Reach Notification Service

How Do I?

Circuit Clerk's Office

  1. Completed application (Download Application)
  2. Driver’s license
  3. Passport Photograph (1)
  4. Check made payable to U.S. Department of State for passport fees
  5. Check, cash or credit card for Circuit Clerk’s fee

Provide an abstract of the judgement and $5.00 fee to enroll.

Fill out the Mississippi Voter Registration Application as indicated. This form can be mailed to the Pike County Circuit Clerks office or presented in person. The form must be received 30 days before the election in which you want to vote. If you are qualified and the information on your form is complete, you will be mailed a voter card that tells you where to vote.

Mail completed form to:
Pike County Circuit Clerk
P.O. Drawer 31
Magnolia, MS 39652

Submit form in person:
Pike County Circuit Clerk
200 East Bay Street
Magnolia, MS 39652

If you have additional questions please call the Circuit Clerks Office at (601) 783-2581.