Brenda Denise Robinson
The Circuit Clerk serves as the voter registrar and assists with elections. The Clerk summons the various juries. He also receives the appropriate papers when candidates qualify to run for public office.
The Clerk’s office keeps:
- Marriage licenses
- Civil and criminal trial dockets
- Licenses for doctors and certain other professionals.
- Judgement Rolls
The Circuit Clerk maintains all court records, filings, paper and accounts for all court costs, fees, fines, and assessments for Circuit Court, County Court and Youth Court.
Voter Information
- Voters must register at least 30 days prior to the election.
- For your vote to count, you must be registered in Pike County and you should vote at the precinct where you live. If you have moved from one location to another in Pike County, but have not changed your address with the Circuit Clerk, you should still go to the precinct for the area in which you live. Your name will not be on the Poll Book at that location but you should vote by affidavit. After the polls close, all affidavits are reviewed by the Pike County Election Commission. Once your name is found on the Pike County voter rolls, the Election Commissioners will then verify your information. Once your information is found to be valid, your vote will be counted and your information will be updated in the system. If you are unsure as to which precinct you should be voting in, call the Circuit Clerks office at the number below for more information.
- Mississippi Voter Registration Application
- If you need to update your information you may call the Circuit Clerk’s office.
- Absentee ballots should be available 45 days prior to the election and are available at the Circuit Clerk’s office.
Marriage Licenses
- Both Parties must be 21 years of age to get married in Mississippi.
- Picture ID and Proof of age is required.
- Both Parties must be present for the application.
- To obtain a marriage license, both parties must apply in person at your local county Circuit Clerk’s office.
- There is a $37.00 fee and it is required at the time of application.
- There is no waiting period or blood tests in Mississippi.
- Marriage License Application Information form – (Optional)
Click the link to print and fill out prior to coming in
Juror Excuse Affidavit
For additional information, please contact:
Pike County Circuit Clerk
200 East Bay Street
Magnolia, MS 39652
Mailing Address:
Pike County Circuit Clerk
P.O. Drawer 31
Magnolia, MS 39652
Phone: (601) 783-2581
Fax: (601) 783-6322
Email: See Contact Page
We take this opportunity to welcome you to the Circuit Clerk’s office. It is our privilege to serve as the registrar of voters. It is through the Circuit Clerk’s office that persons wishing to vote absentee for all county, state, and federal elections may request a ballot. All prospective jurors for Justice, County, and Circuit Courts are randomly drawn by the computer and summoned through our office. Our office serves as the clerk of the Circuit, County, and Juvenile Court System. It is in the Circuit Clerk’s office that marriage licenses are issued. The Circuit Clerk’s office is also a passport acceptance agent.