“You are hereby notified that the real and personal property assessment rolls of the above named county, for the year 2022 have been equalized according to law, and that said rolls are ready for inspection and examination and that any objections to said rolls or any assessment therein contained, shall be made in writing and filed with the clerk of the Board of Supervisors of said County, on or before the 1st of August, 2022 at her office in the Courthouse of said county, and that all assessments to which no objection is then and there made, will be finally approved by said Board of Supervisors, and that all assessments to which objection is made, and which may be corrected and properly determined by this Board, will be made final by this Board of Supervisors, and that said rolls and the assessments contained therein will be approved by this Board of Supervisors; and that,
“1. This Board will be in session, for the purpose of hearing objections to the said assessments which may be filed, at the Court house in the City of Magnolia, said County and State on the 1st day of August, 2022.
“2. This Board of Supervisors will remain in session from day to day until all objections, lawfully filed, shall have been disposed of and all proper corrections made in the said rolls.
“Witness the signature and seal of the said Board of Supervisors the 15th day of July, 2022, and, THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF PIKE COUNTY